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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Triple Play '99 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2004-12-24 20:42:10 Views : 21602 During gameplay, type in these codes: Keyboard --------- Hold down the 1+2+3+4 keys on the keyboard (not the NumPad) and enter these cheats. Use the arrow keys for the Left, Right, Down and Up. LEFT, SHIFT, RIGHT, ALT - Sponsor comment ALT, RIGHT, SHIFT, LEFT - Nickname game DOWN, CTRL, RIGHT, ALT - Stadium info SHIFT, LEFT, LEFT, SHIFT - Crowd cheer CTRL, DOWN, DOWN, CTRL - Crowd ooh ALT, RIGHT, RIGHT, ALT - Crowd boo Sidewinder Gamepad ------------------ Hold down both trigger buttons plus Y and Z, and enter these cheats. X, A, X, C, B, A, LEFT, RIGHT - Home run UP, DOWN, X, A, X, C, B, A - Strike out UP, X, RIGHT, C - Histrical commentary X, UP, UP, X - Crowd cheer Gravis Gamepad Pro ------------------- Hold L1+L2+R1+R2, and enter these cheats. BUTTON 4, B1, B4, B3, B2, B1 - Home run UP, DOWN, B4, B1, B4, B3, B2, B1 - Strike out UP, B4, RIGHT, B3 - Historical commentary B4, UP, UP, B4 - Crowd cheer Secret Stadiums --------------- 1. Turn off User Records mode. 2. Go to the Stadium Select Screen. 3. Scroll all the way to the right (Houston will be on the top left). 4. Click on Houston, and contiunue clicking diagonally down and to the right (Houston-top left, middle stadium, bottom right stadium) 5. Now click in a line diagonally up and to the right, bottom left, middle stadium, top right stadium) 6. If done right you will hear TRIPLE PLAY. Scroll to the right and you will have three new stadiums. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Triple Play '99 cheat codes.
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